Leveraging ChatGPT to improve Feedback and Communication

Providing and receiving feedback is unavoidable - both in our personal and professional lives. Regardless of your role or level of experience, having the right tools and approaches is crucial for individual success and the overall prosperity of your team and organization.

Throughout the years, I have been gathering different sources, comprehensive techniques, step-by-step activities, and ideas that can help me and my clients cultivate a mindset of Feedback exchange as something vital for growth. Beyond that, enhancing our communication capabilities and developing powerful skills such as active listening, emotional intelligence, and relationship building, has proven to be a key to successful (and meaningful) interactions in general.


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I bet you remember how stressful it was on your first 1-to-1 with your new boss, or how much you were dreading the annual performance evaluation…

These mandatory activities can be detrimental not only to our perception of what feedback is there for but can also impact our motivation, work ethics, and performance.

Knowing how to do it right: to ASK FOR and DELIVER constructive and helpful feedback, is a competency that every human can benefit from - individual contributors, freelancers, business owners, and managers alike. Such universal skills are honed in time, with the right setup, practice, and, of course, organizations that facilitate it.

Alternatively, there is a path for self-teaching, and it can be a truly empowering experience to build the feedback muscle from scratch by leveraging available tools such as LLMs and ChatGPT in particular.

The alternatives in terms of obtaining useful tutorials and ideas are immense! Here are some activities that I have incorporated into my Udemy Course as well:

1) You can use an AI tool that prompts you (and your employees) to request and offer feedback at appropriate moments, such as after completing a project, reaching a milestone, or facing a challenge.

2) Master your communication strategies - dealing with multiple generations, crafting the right message in writing or a verbal form, or just improving your vocabulary in a business context - AI is there to support you.

3) Learn from different scenarios - ask the system to provide multiple options for the same issue can bring ideas you have not thought about just yet. Motivation to learn from failure, for example, is one of the key levers, in addition to opportunities to learn… And what better way of engaging through practicing in a safe space?

I have done my best to compile these and more useful practices in a self-paced 75-minute course (a challenge, isn’t it? :) so feel free to check it out and share it with anyone that you believe could benefit from incorporating ChatGPT in improving their communication approach!